Friday, September 25, 2015


Bill and I got out today and tried to call some coyotes.  Man it's hot and dry out where we hunt.  We started calling about daylight near some private land with a little water on it.  I did a interrogation howl and got an answer back not too far away.  I played with him a little and the last time he howled it sounded a little like a challenge  howl.  I answered back with one and thought he might come looking for a fight.  Never saw or heard from him again.  I tried every trick in my book and nothing worked.  He might have seen us coming in or setting up, or maybe he just wasn't interested.  We saw a few tracks in that area but nothing real promising.

We went back to the truck and headed southeast.  We hadn't gone 1/4 mile when Bill spotted something running across a field.  We first thought it was a coyote but on closer look it was a bobcat, a big one.  Bill's window was down and I blew a distress call from inside the truck and the cat stopped.  He watched us until we drove away.  Bobcat season doesn't open until October 15 but we plan to try him later.  

We made a couple of more sets but saw no tracks, scat or other sign at either place.  No ground squirrels or anything, it's just too dry.  No water except on private ranches where we can't hunt.  It was well into the 90's when we left about 10:00 am and we called it a day.  We had a good morning anyway but I sure hope this drought ends soon.  There won't be anything left to hunt if it doesn't.  


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